Covid19 - LockDown Project

My feelings, experiences and thoughts of Lock Down during the Covid19 Pandemic.

Inspired by the initiative of two Australian artists – Kate Just and Tal Fritzpatrick - to create a square for the Global Covid19 Quilt on Instagram to reflect how we felt during this pandemic. After much thought and staring at the cross section of the Covid19 virus I could see that within it I could capture all the requirements for this project.

Letter to Artists During Covid19

Coming home from a surreal experience of going to the shops, I realised what I knew clearly as a very young adult - nothing is more essential than the arts...

Blanket Sculptures depicting Life in a Cell

Inscribed on the roof of a passage to Number Four prison, a quote from Nelson Mandela's book-"Long Walk to Freedom" captures the essence of the tour: "No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails." 

The memory project - Life in the Time of Corona

Seismic global events inevitably cause shifts in how people view both the world and their individual lives. In recent history, and in my own lived-experience, such stand out events would be the dawn of democracy in South Africa my motherland; the blowing up of the Twin Towers in New York and now the global Covid-19 pandemic.